Yoga Helps Insomnia
A large number of people are the victims of insomnia which encompasses a number of sleep disorders that create a trouble falling or staying asleep. Although sleep aiding medicines may be used to overcome this problem, all these sleep inducing medications have numerous unwanted side effects. So a number of people suffering from chronic or acute insomnia are seeking the help of alternative ways to reduce their sleep related problems. Yoga is one of the more popular options that is being utilized by a number of sufferers, as it helps to create a complete life style that promotes well being and health.
Yoga practice conducted in the evening and more preferably in bed relaxes the mind and body and works its magic at inducing sleep. There are seven yoga postures which when practiced daily at bedtime help to cure insomnia even in long time patients. These postures as described below are very beneficial when practiced on a regular basis:
Uttanasana or Supported forward bend: The supported forward bend should be practiced with support from the bed, so that it relieves stress that hinders the mind to sleep. This pose is a great way to unwind at the end of the day and relaxes the body along with the brain and removes fatigue and anxiety.
Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand: This pose stimulates the entire body and mind and removes tension in areas that are most commonly affected due to stress. By stimulating the thyroid gland, it helps to regulate blood circulation in the neck, chest, shoulder and head, which in turn relaxes the mind to sleep.
Halasana or Plow Pose: In order to improve blood circulation to the brain, this posture can prove to be very beneficial. It not only increases the blood flow to the head and brain, but also relaxes the mind and acts as a barrier to insomnia.
Supta Matsyendrasana or Reclining side twist: This twist is a great cure for frazzled nerves and leaves the yogi feeling rejuvenated and reenergized by stretching and relaxing the spine and nerve-endings located in the back. Once they loosen up, they create a sense of calm and rest for the mind.
Pavana Muktasana or Double wind releasing pose: It removes excess wind or gas from the body which causes a number of problems including headaches, dizziness, nausea and insomnia. One you are rid of the excessive wind, the body automatically winds down to let the normal organ functions to act better.
Sukhasana or Seated forward bend: Along with stretching and exercising different parts of the body, this pose shifts the focal point to stimulating the nervous system. This is a great pose for people suffering from insomnia as it promotes inner reflection and provides a calming effect on the body as a whole.
Savasana or Corpse pose: The reason the no yoga session is considered to be complete without the corpse pose is that it has a number of benefits and helps to resolve a wide range of problems. It improves the minds ability to better process all thoughts and enhances the concentration levels. When performed for insomnia reduction, this posture can work its wonders when practiced in particular while lying in bed. The breathing techniques that the corpse pose focuses, helps to bring on sleep and relieving the person of insomnia.
All these yoga poses when practiced in the proper way can help to eliminate sleep problems creating a healthier lifestyle which can not be accomplished with the lack of sleep.