Protect Yourself and Others – Call in Sick

Many people are hesitant to call in sick to work even when they have symptoms such as fever, coughing, and sneezing. When individuals cough and sneeze, they can easily spread germs to others. When individuals cough and sneeze in confined spaces, such as offices, the chances of spreading germs to others increases. Not only is going to work sick potentially harmful for an employee’s co-workers, but it may also be harmful to the employee as well. Employees often do not want to call in sick because they do not want to place unnecessary burdens or stress on their co-workers. However, there are times when calling in sick is the best thing to do.

Are You Too Sick to Work?

There are several questions that employees should ask themselves to help them determine if they are too sick to work. By giving careful consideration to these simple questions, employees can determine if it will be best for them to stay home from work.

Will You Be Able to Carry Out Job Related Tasks?

The first thing they should consider is how well they will be able to perform job related tasks. It is a fact that anyone feeling ill is unable to perform their work tasks as effectively as when they are healthy. Working when sick could be counterproductive.

Do You Think You Are Contagious?

Employees should determine if they are contagious. During the first few days of an illness is when individuals are most contagious. If an individual has a fever, they are more contagious as well. When employees are contagious, they are more likely to spread viral or bacterial illnesses to their co-workers.

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Does Your Body Need Rest?

Employees should ask themselves if resting will help them regain their health more quickly. Allowing the body to rest helps the body to heal. Taking a day or two to rest and let one’s body fight the infection

may be the best medicine.

How Do Your Medications Affect You?

If the employee is taking medications, they should assess whether these medications affect their ability to think, work, and operate machinery. If these faculties are impaired in any way, it could be dangerous for the employee to even attempt to go to work.

Regardless of the individuals determination and drive to perform well at work, there are times when it is far better for everyone involved for the individual to miss a day or two of work. During cold and flu season, employees can protect themselves with the influenza vaccine. Flu vaccines can help employees ensure they do not have to miss work due to illnesses such as the flu.