Home Remedies For Sleep Disorder

Next time you are not able to fall asleep, don’t just pop up that sleeping pill! They are harmful if taken frequently- you know that! Just follow some natural ways to cure your sleeplessness. Here are some home remedies for giving you restful good night’s sleep!

Don’t go by the general theory of ‘ daily eight hours sleep’. Ayurveda advocates quality of sleep. The quantity of sleep is decided by individual body. It may range from anywhere between 5-8 and even 9 hours. Find for yourself, how much sleep you need to feel afresh!

Set your body clock by following nature’s pattern. Rise when sun rises, even sometime before that, and go to bed no later than 10 pm. Don’t let the routine disturbed on weekends too!

Exercise keeps us fit but do it in the morning. Exercising late in the day or in evenings raises our energy levels and makes us too active to go to sleep. If you can’t find time in the morning, make sure you exercise at least 4 hours before your bedtime.

Avoid rich diets for dinner. Ayurvedic diets favor lighter meals at night which is taken at least 3 hours before going to bed.

Have a glass of warm milk before going to sleep. Add some nutmeg to milk for Vata body type, cardamom for Pitta body type and dried ginger for Kapha body type. Know your body type before using any of the spice with milk. Taking wrong one can even hamper your sleep.

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Get your lower limbs massaged with some non-staining oil like sweet almond or jojoba oil. For more relaxed sleep, mix few drops of  lavender oil. Massage your lower legs, from knees to toes, and your lower arms, from elbows to fingertips, with easy up-and-down strokes with small quantity of this mixed oil.

Make your bedroom relaxing with clutter free and quiet atmosphere. Wear comfortable clothes. Do not watch TV or read anything just before going to sleep. You may listen to soft relaxing music.

Avoid alcohol or caffeine beverages, especially before going to sleep. Nicotine also leads to sleep deprivation, so quit smoking.

Avoid sleeping during the day. If you can’t, make it as short as possible. Twenty minutes daytime nap is rejuvenating enough to recharge you for the rest of the day.

Do meditation for helping you deal with day-to-day stresses and worries. Stress is the worst enemy of sleep.

Poppy seeds, jatamansi, Indian Valerian and the essential oils of rose, lavender and sandalwood are relaxing and calming. They are helpful in getting restful sleep. Use them in ways you can.

At bedtime, rinse your eyes with rosewater, add a drop of ghee (clarified butter). Shut your eyes and go to sleep.

Combing hair before retiring is also a good practice for good night’s sleep.

If married, make love to your partner. Its relaxing and helps you in getting a good quality sleep.