Get to Know Some Benefits of IMD Intestinal Cleanse

It is claimed that the natural elimination of metals by way of the intestines can be optimized through IMD intestinal cleanse. By delivering insoluble thiol groups of this proprietary thiol-functinalilzed silica, mercury and other heavy metals that are accumulated in the intestines are bound and eliminated, further directly quenching also free radicals. The system of transporters leading out of the body is said to be enhanced with its detoxification through the aid of IMD actions.

Consisting of highly purified silica, this active chemistry of IMD is described as a proprietary product together with thiolic metal binding groups that are covalently attached. These silica base and binding agents are claimed as food safe under GRAS or generally recognized as safe. There are advantages of this specific chemistry of the compound over those other detoxification remedies, plus this active binding groups outperform other compounds too in searchin metals in the intestines.

Be informed that since IMD does not enter your bloodstream, surges of mobilized metals that can create a potential overload of kidney and liver will be avoided. Metals like methyl mercury that are trapped in enterohepatic circulation are escorted out of the intestines through IMD interception. With this effect of the chemistry, organ and tissue bound mercury can be safely drained into the blood and subsequently eliminated through the kidneys and liver. As free radicals and metals are quenched free and eliminated through this local action, intestinal health is promoted and intestinal inflammation is avoided.

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Note that intestinal inflammation would prevent the elimination of toxins thereby causing a strong down regulation of the natural detoxification pathways of the body, and IMD would eliminate these blocked pathways. Let us be aware that the exposure of certain toxins will lead to intestinal inflammation. Furthermore, some data would suggest that by eliminating these metals from the intestines, there is a proper functioning of our body’s natural detoxification processes.

The suggested intake by mouth of this substance is a gradual increase from 1 to 2 scoops and from 1 to 3 times a day, depending also on what is directed by the healthcare professional. A small amount of food may be mixed with this substance, but for pregnant women, consultation with a physician is advisable before use of the chemical.

Note that this product is insoluble and would bind heavy metals in our intestines and thus can be eliminated with the bowels. As the product is directly neutralizing free radicals in the gut, gastrointestinal inflammation is being damped. With the binding agent being steadily attached to the insoluble silica, the substance cannot be absorbed and therefore not bioavailable.

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