A Guide to Rare Roses If you love roses, then you can create your own rose garden in your backyard which is not difficult at all and is much less expensive that buying cut rose flowers. Planting rare roses in your rose garden can increase the value of your rose garden, and you can use these rare flowers on special occasions. The most popular rose is the red rose which conveys the message of love, devotion, and respect. If you give your loved one a unique, rare rose, then it will mean much more to them. Man has intervened with nature to give us some of the rare roses that we have today. Take the black rose for example. The black rose is produced by intensifying the deep red color, and some people, in order to achieve different rose colors use dye to do it. Black roses symbolize death and bereavement, but you cannot find these roses in nature, since they were created in a laboratory. The blue roses is a rare rose that can be found in nature. Some people who want to enhance the blue color actually take white roses and dye them blue. One of the rarest roses is the blue roses and this color is difficult to achieve artificially. They are also the most visually pleasing ones and are seen in pop culture, music, television, and theater productions. Another rare rose which is getting popular today is the purple rose. They symbolize charm and enchantment. Purple roses are created by mixing blue and red rose- hues. Rare roses are easy to take care of since they only need enough water and little exposure to harsh elements in nature. There are many other rare roses that can make your garden unique. The yellow and orange striped rose with double blooms is called Oranges n’ Lemons. The colors are vivid and the fragrance is mild. There is also a rare rose called Celebrity rose which is yellow in color, is a hybrid tea rose and its fragrance is fruity. The bride’s dream rose is another rare hybrid tea rose which has a delicate pink color, a mild rose fragrance and very large blooms. This rose has a royal appearance which also earned it the name Fairy Tale Queen. Diana, Princess of Wales, is a rose with different shades of pink and sweet tea rose fragrance. During winter the Diana, Princess of Wales rose need protection just like the Brigadoon which is a pink and white rose with a mild and almost spicy scent.
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A dark red or white and red floribunda, called Topsy-Turvy, is an eye-popping firecracker shaped rose when it is opened. The fragrance contains elements of apple. There are many other rare and beautiful types of roses like the deep pink moss rose called Madame Louis Leveque. The Joseph’s coat rose is a colorful red and orange rose with thorns.5 Key Takeaways on the Road to Dominating Shops

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