How to Use Hypnosis to Cure Insomnia

Anybody with insomnia knows that it is a very frustrating thing to deal with. You feel so very tired, but you just can’t sleep! Often times, people suffering from insomnia have trouble “turning off” their loud thoughts. However, you can use hypnosis to help rid yourself of insomnia. If you want to know how to use hypnosis to cure insomnia, then keep reading.

The very first thing you should do is to talk to somebody about the issues that weigh heavy on your mind. If you don’t feel comfortable talking with somebody else, you could try writing down your problems. Sort of the things you can control from the things you can’t control. Learn to let go of the things you can’t control.

Next, you can try using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to help you relax at night when you find yourself tossing and turning. How NLP works is you first sit down and go through relaxation exercises. Relax every part of your body, starting with your toes and moving upward. Think about anything you relate to relaxation, and touch your nose with your finger. The idea is that whenever you are having trouble sleeping, you can touch your nose and your body should relate that action with the feelings of relaxation.

Lastly, you can go on a meditation journey. If it is three in the morning and you still can’t sleep, stop fighting yourself to get to sleep and go on a meditation journey. Close your eyes and see yourself walking on a white beach. Try to imagine what it would feel like to have the warm sand under your feet. See yourself walk along that beach and then go into the trees. Imagine the things that you would hear and smell. You can literally go anywhere you want: the beach, the mountains, the rainforest, et cetera. Breathe deeply as you go on your journey.

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After reading this, you should know three techniques to cure insomnia. You know to let go of what you can’t control, use NLP, and go on a meditation journey. Hypnosis is a great tool to utilize for many different purposes, and now you should know how to use it to rid yourself of your insomnia.