Three Reasons Overdose Medication Should Be Readily Available on University Campuses College is a time to knuckle down and take charge of your future, but it can be stressful. So much, in fact, that many college students overdose on their weekend substance of choice, resulting in death in the worst-case scenarios. However, lives can be saved if overdose medication were made available on university campuses—and here’s why. There is a Difference Between Recreational Use and Addiction—But Both Carry Consequences Most drugs begin as recreational drugs—something you take to have fun at a party or feel something different. And there are some people that can keep drug use to recreational purposes only, but that’s seriously toeing the line that leads to hardcore addiction. Both carry risks of overdose, regardless of how many times someone has used in the past or never before. College Students are More Prone to Suggestion and Peer Pressure Due to Media Stereotypes College students are often portrayed as hardcore partyers and risk takers in movies and television shows. And while some of those stereotypes exist somewhere, most college students simply want to graduate, get a good job, and get on with their lives. However, peer pressure is supercharged in college because everyone wants to be the best to attain their grades while maintaining their social status. The stress of college life can take a toll; therefore, students might seek release of addictive substances to take the edge off of their exams and what others, like parents, expect of them. College Campuses are Responsible for the Students in Their Constant Care Regardless of how old a college student is, or when they are considered an independent adult, college campuses are in charge of what happens on their grounds. Ergo, they’re responsible for those students that are in their constant care, like the ones that live on campus. Places like home health care Bethesda Maryland carries overdose medication for the just-in-case scenarios. Why shouldn’t college campuses be held to the same medical standards? Overdose medication would make it possible to better get assistance to these students if something should happen in their dorm rooms or anywhere on campus. It should be the obligation of college campuses to provide something that could save someone’s life.

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