Effect of DNA Testing. From the time of discovery of DNA testing in the mid 80s, use of DNA in determining relationships and also human identity DNA has emerged out as a vital item in crime investigation and also in the civic world. Apart from establishing a relationship between two people DNA has also helped determine the nature of relationship between the individuals. When it comes to identifying individuals body cells whether dead or alive can be used to identify an individual. Basically using only a piece of human hair one can tell the gender of the owner as well as their ethnicity. Prior the DNA knowledge identification of humans was through blood type. However blood typing was not reliable at all since different individuals could have similar blood type despite the lack of any blood relationship. From the invention of DNA testing all fields have preferred it to other means of identification. From the invention of DNA testing technique it was revealed that even if there is a blood relationship between people there can never be 100% similarity when it comes to DNA matter since it is unique in every individual. DNA markers are the unique features in DNA that basically aids in identification. When the patterns from different DNA samples match, then they are likely to come from the same individual. Matching of DNA from different samples means that they belong to that individual at hand or in cases of high degree of similarity it means that the individuals are related. The degree of relatedness between two people is shown by the degree of similarity between their DNA samples.
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Not only in criminal cases that DNA testing can be applied but also on the non-criminal cases or in other words the legal cases. For the two cases DNA testing is performed differently putting in regard the test being done. Verdict declaration in the investigation of crime scene matters is only declared when the DNA matches that of the suspect. Suspection holds no finality if DNA testing proves else.
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For legal cases DNA testing might be used in child support or immigration monitoring. In cases of legal doubt DNA testing helps establish the best platform for identification and establishment of a relation. Also the ethnicity of individuals involved can be determined. Various parts of the world use DNA testing in child support in the determination of biological parents for the welfare or the child. Such cases present a good example where DNA testing is used legally. DNA testing also works best when it comes to child adoption practices. Ethnic backgrounds is a matter of consideration when it comes to adoption Where ethnic backgrounds cannot be determined DNA testing helps to solve this.If ethnicity of a child to be adopted is not well-known DNA testing aids in determination.

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