Most teens have skin problems, but acne can leave physical and emotional scars. Below are some ideas on how to keep breakouts under control. If these suggestions don’t work, it may be time to consult a denver dermatology clinic.

Wash Carefully and Often

Removing perspiration from the skin is an important step in preventing or controlling acne. Encourage your teen to shower every time they exercise and to make sure to pay particular attention to the forehead if they wear a hat or helmet during workouts. They should use gentle cleansers without physical exfoliants, such as microbeads, crushed nutshells or sugar. Forget about loofas, mesh body scrubbers or any other abrasive products. Even a washcloth can irritate sensitive skin. Cleansers should be applied with hands only. Teens also need to shampoo regularly, daily if the hair is oily.

Easy Does It

Find gentle products that will not dry or irritate the skin. Avoid products that include alcohol as this is a drying agent and a major irritant. Do not scrub the skin, no matter how tempting it may be. Do not wash the face or shower with hot water. Stick to lukewarm temperatures. Anything that makes the skin red will make acne more pronounced. This includes exposure to the sun or using tanning beds.

Hands Off

Try not to touch the face. Hands pick up bacteria throughout the day and transferring those little hitch-hikers to the skin can cause acne flare-ups. And never, under any circumstances, pick at blemishes or pop pimples or blackheads. They can become infected and leave scars.

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Talk to a Dermatologist

A dermatologist can often help if the skin condition is embarrassing or painful. If the blemishes leave scars or dark patches on the skin, talk to a dermatologist about ways to stop further damage.

There are many things your teen can do to give their skin a break, but if flare-ups persist, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor.